I’m a little late getting this one up. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s that there are so many amazing photos being taken we had a tough time making a selection. In the end though, the August Photo Contest Winner is local New Westie Harry Pehkonen (@harrypehkonen) for this shot of two of the A Bread Affair employees.

There is something about the lighting in this shot that makes it seem so well defined. I know its hard to get a good shot when photographing people’s faces from the front angle – and the composition of the bread, the signs in the back, and the nice contrast of purple and red really work. Harry has been a regular at the market this season, and this isn’t the first great shot he’s taken. But this month, it’s the winner.
Honorable mentions this month (because there are lots) go to:
June’s winner, Graham Ballantyne for these two:

Briana Tomkinson for this amazing macro shot of blueberries:

Honorable mention should also go to Brittbak for this fun shot of a lively market full of smiling faces:

And to Jamila for this great capture of Allyson Grant painting faces (or in this case, an arm):

And last, but certainly not least this shot of a flower vendor by Miho Shimamura:

We want to thank everyone for entering our little contest. For his winning picture, Harry receives a RCFM t shirt and is entered to win a limited edition market tote bag full of $50 worth of market goodies. You can enter too! We have a monthly winner and all you have to do is either upload your picture to Flickr and use the tag rcfm2009 and we’ll find it, or you can email the pictures to us at info@newwestfarmers.ca.