Last year, we had a few visual artists rent stall space from us at a loss because they either sold nothing, or hardly anything at all. While they got decent exposure, and reported having a good time, they didn’t make enough to justify renting the space. People don’t really buy art on impulse for the most part. They look at it, they mull it over, they think on it, they let it speak to them, and if they decide to go for it, they do, but usually not the first time they see it. Artists are generally people who are simply expressing creativity, and don’t have an expectation of profit when they set out to make art. So this year, rather than seek out artists to rent stall spaces, we’re creating a new community initiave called Art in the Park.
Art in the Park is pretty simple: we allow visual artists to set up for free in the park next to our market and bring works in progress, completed works for sale, or gallery pieces not for sale. They can bring a tent and display tables, or it can be as simple as their easel. We’ll provide signage and advertising for the area. There are a few simple guidelines – among others like how the space is first come first served, how you need to pre-register to come, and how we’d like you to purchase a membership in our organization ($10 annually) in order to have your person covered by insurance – but it’s really simple, and it’s simply a way for artists to connect with potential buyers.
If you know an artist that could use this opportunity, or if you’re an artist yourself, please contact the Market Manager at marketmanager@newwestfarmers.ca for more information or to register. Our first Art in the Park market will be July 23rd, which also happens to be our next special event market to celebrate the City of New Westminster’s 150th birthday.